Breville Barista Express Impress Espresso Machine
Impress your friends and family with the new Breville Barista Express Impress Espresso Machine. Built to make your all-in-one espresso experience even easier, the Impress offers brand new intelligent dosing and tamping technology that seeks to lower the learning curve for home espresso. This Impress system harnesses a 22-lb calibrated tamper alongside a basket depth sensor that learns and adapts dosing times for the perfect shot. Simply pull the lever and use the tamp monitor lights on the face of the machine to automatically dial in the right dose. The Barista Express Impress also packs in all the features Breville has become known for in their earlier machines, like a quick-heat thermoblock that manages brewing and steaming, programmable shot times, and a hot water spout for tea or Americanos. The Impress brings all the things you need to make excellent espresso right in your home kitchen.